Ahmadiyya Movement

Peaceful promotion of Islam through missionary, intellectual and literary efforts

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Heavenly Signs and Evidence in Truth of the Promised Messiah

Jihad — today’s situation and a hundred years ago

“Killing one innocent person is like killing all mankind” | Part 1 | Part 2 

Mission of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

Objective of Movement
We strongly believe that both non-Muslims and Muslims today desperately need to receive the true message of Islam, which shows that it is a tolerant, rational, progressive, compassionate, peace-loving and highly spiritual religion. This is so vastly different from the common, distorted image of Islam, which has done enormous damage to the cause and the standing of this faith in the world. The main objective of the Movement is thus to present the true, original message of Islam to the whole world — Islam as it is found in the Holy Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad — and to try to convince the human mind, intellect, conscience and heart, of the truth of Islam. It works for this objective by presenting reasoned arguments and showing the inherent beauty of Islamic principles and their appeal to true human nature. We also believe that the truth and beauty of Islam must be shown through one’s practical life and example.

Arrival of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), our Founder who established the Ahmadiyya Movement, arose in India at a time when the faith of Islam was under the heaviest attack by its critics. It was being misrepresented as a primitive, crude and violent ideology. Muslim leaders, with their outdated knowledge, narrow vision and their own misconceptions about Islam, were entirely failing to meet these challenges. Hazrat Mirza, in his writings and lectures, put forward the captivating picture of Islam as found in the Quran and the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad - a religion of reason, peace and tolerance. He refuted all charges against Islam and established its superiority over the opposing faiths and philosophies.

He came to remind the world that Islam is: 

International: God raised Prophets in all nations, not only among the Israelites (as already accepted by Muslims) but also in India, China, Persia etc. A Muslim must believe in and respect all these prophets and their scriptures. Islam restores the original purity of the eternal truths taught by them and broadens the scope of their national teachings to provide a faith for all humanity. Goodness, good people and truth may be found in all nations. God is equally just to all human beings, irrespective of their race, nationality or religion. 

Peaceful: It condemns all use of force except in unavoidable self-defense. All battles of early Islam were purely defensive. Muslims must live peacefully under any rule which grants them freedom of religion. The impression that Islam urges its followers to wage war or rebellion to establish its rule is entirely wrong. The concept of Jihad is greatly misunderstood: it primarily signifies a spiritual, moral and intellectual struggle to reform oneself and others. 

Tolerant: It gives full freedom to everyone to hold, practice and adopt any belief and religion. Differences of belief and interpretation, with whomsoever these may occur, must be tolerated. Criticism against Islam must be answered only by word, and any offense felt must be borne with patience; responding by physical violence is alien to the teachings of Islam. The common image of Islam as an intolerant faith is completely false. 

Rational: It urges use of reason and knowledge in all matters, including religious affairs. Blind following and acceptance are disallowed, and independence of thought is granted. Blind, unthinking obedience to religious leaders is condemned.

Inspiring: Worship is not a ritual, but provides living contact with a Living God, Who answers prayers and speaks to His righteous servants even today as in the past. In every age there arise, among Muslims, saints who have closeness and communication with God. Their example shows others that there is a Living God Who speaks to humankind.

Non-sectarian: Every person professing Islam by the words La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad-ur rasul-ullah (There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) is a Muslim. A Muslim cannot be expelled from Islam by anyone. 

His achievements in the revival of Islam and the reform of Muslims proved his claim of being one of the mujaddids (saintly Reformers) of Islam who arose throughout Muslim history. He also claimed to be the Messiah whom the Muslims were expecting would come at the most critical time in their history. He repeatedly denied the false allegation made against him of claiming to be a prophet; on the contrary, his mission was to preach Islam in its pristine purity, as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the Last of all the Prophets. As such, he taught that no prophet, old or new, is to arise after the Holy Prophet Muhammad. However, as God is a Living God and Islam a Living Religion, he came to remind the world that saints (auliya) and Mujaddids (inspired saintly reformers of the faith) will be raised by God to revive and rekindle the light of Islam.

Lahore Ahmadiyya
When the successor of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Maulana Nur-ud-din died in 1914, certain elements in the organization led by the founder's son gained control of the movement, turning it into an exclusive intolerant sect ruled by a spiritual autocracy. They distorted and misrepresented Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's views by asserting that he had claimed prophethood [and as such regarded his deniers as being expelled from Islam]. These circumstances compelled Maulana Muhammad Ali to establish the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement to continue Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's real mission.

Of Maulana Muhammad Ali, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had written in 1899:

"I am sure that my foresight will not go wrong in this, that this young man will make progress in the path of God, and I am sure that by the grace of God he will prove to be so firm in righteousness and love of religion that he will set an example worthy to be followed by his peers. O God, let it be so! Amen, again Amen."

The Lahore Ahmadiyya is thus a direct continuation of the Ahmadiyya Movement as founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (d. 1908) and as led afterwards by his successor Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din (d. 1914). It seeks to preserve the beliefs, mission and goals of this Movement as set down by these two guiding lights.

Holy Quran Translation and Presentation to West
Shortly after starting to establish the Ahmadiyya Movement, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad wrote in 1891 of his objective to present Islam to the West, in order to counter the mass of criticism directed at it both by Christian missionaries and modern thought. Appealing to the general Muslim community to render him help and assistance, he wrote in his book Izala Auham:

“I have been asked what should be done to spread the teachings of Islam in America and Europe ... It is undoubtedly true that Europe and America have a large collection of objections against Islam, inculcated through those engaged in [Christian] Mission work, and that their philosophy and natural sciences give rise to another sort of criticism. ... To meet these objections, a chosen man is needed who should have a river of knowledge flowing in his vast breast and whose knowledge should have been specially broadened and deepened by Divine inspiration. This work cannot be done by those who do not possess comprehensive vision...

I would advise that ... writings of an excellent and high standard should be sent into these countries. If my people help me heart and soul, I wish to prepare a commentary of the Quran which should be sent to them after it has been rendered into the English language. I cannot refrain from stating clearly that this is my work, and that definitely no one else can do it as I can, or as he can who is an offshoot of mine and thus is included in me.” 

The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement thus made it as one of his most important goals to have the Quran translated into English, with a commentary, and presented to the West. Moreover, he declared that he would re-establish the long-neglected, right principles for understanding the Quran. The resulting true knowledge of the teachings of this Holy Book would equip Muslims to present the Quran to the modern world in a way that would satisfy its doubts about faith and religion and answer its objections to Islam. (Centenary of Maulana Muhammad Ali's English translation of Quran: Background history and influence on later translations compiled by Dr. Zahid Aziz, 2017, pp. 5-6). 

Above material taken and adapted from the following sources, unless otherwise specified:
Introducing the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement:
About this book (back cover) from The True Succession:
About this book (back cover) from The Four Questions Answered:
About this book (back cover) from The Religion of Islam.

The Holy Quran with English Translation and Commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali

The Holy Quran

Arabic Text with English Translation, Commentary and comprehensive Introduction

by Maulana Muhammad Ali

Original Reviews:

“To deny the excellence of Muhammad Ali's translation, the influence it has exercised, and its proselytising utility, would be to deny the light of the sun.”  Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi, Indian Muslim scholar, and himself a translator of Quran.

“The first work published by any Muslim with the thoroughness worthy of Quranic scholarship and achieving the standards of modern publications.”  Amir Ali in The Student’s Quran, London 1961. 

Centenary of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s English Translation of the Quran

Ramadan Daily Quran Studies:

UK Community (Jamaat) Milestones

UK Community (Jamaat) Milestones

US Community (Jamaat) Milestones

US Community (Jamaat) Milestones:

Arabic Translation Projects & Distribution

Arabic Translation 

As you will recall from my previous reports, the following books have been translated into Arabic, published and have had several shipments sent for distribution to Egypt and other countries: • The Religion of Islam, • Manual of Hadith, • Muhammad the Prophet, • Early Caliphate, • Teachings of Islam, • Islam the Religion of Humanity, • The Prophet of Islam, • and Living Thoughts of Prophet Muhammad [Report: Work of Spreading Maulana Muhammad Ali's Enlightened Interpretations throughout the World by Samina] The Light and Islamic Review, Jan-Dec 2022

Recent International Propagation Activities - Timeline of Events

Note: Material taken and extracted from Basharat-e-Ahmadiyya Magazine

2023 | Link




2019 | Link









































1995-1997 | Link

Islamic Articles: Ahmadiyya Movement


True Significance of "Ahmadiyya" By Fazeel S. Khan, Esq. 

Need for an organization


Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

One Hundred Years Later, His Teachings Still Needed By Dr. Zahid Aziz 

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Defender of Islam by Dr. Zahid Aziz

Need for the Ahmadiyya Movement today by Dr. Mohammad Ahmad

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the Holy Quran by Mrs. Samina Malik

Poem by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, written 1905, prophesying the horrors of the First World War

Rise of Sun in the West & capture of birds (1996, issue 4) 

Internet correspondence: (1) Question from a Baha’i

Answering Allegations:

Reply to objection that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did not perform Hajj

Allegation that Lahore Ahmadiyya organ Paigham Sulh initially published that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet

Allegations against Ahmadiyya Founder of being hostile to non-Muslims Allegations against Ahmadiyya Founder of being hostile to non-Muslims

False allegation that annual Jalsa is an unlawful novelty (bid‘at)

Did not brand other Muslims Kafir - Reply to a Sunni friend by the Editor (The Light and Islamic Review, November - December 1997)


Lahore Ahmadiyya

Correspondence (1) A non-Muslim comment on our Web page (2) Muslim loses his prejudice against Hazrat Mirza (3) Convert uses our literature 

The Ahmadiyya Movement of Lahore — A Survey by Dr. Zahid Aziz, Editor The Light and Islamic Review (The Light and Islamic Review, September - October 1997)

In memory of the Promised Messiah -- Tributes from followers whose lives he changed (1996, issue 3)

Lahore Ahmadiyya founded in 1914 to present a Message of Peace and Harmony — a speech

Instructions and Guidance for members of the Jama‘at, by Maulana Muhammad Ali (2nd edition of translation)

Anjuman’s powers explained in speeches at 1908 annual gathering

Lahore Ahmadis pioneered commemoration of Holy Prophet’s birthday in India in 1908 

Reply to allegations against our interpretation of ‘The Will’ 

The Early Legacies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in America, speech by Patrick Bowen, Ph.D. 

Debate in UK Parliament on the persecution of Ahmadis — response of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Anjuman

New Publications, Review of 7 retypeset books, by the Editor (The Light and Islamic Review, January - February 1998)

Distribution of the Russian Holy Quran in Russia


Maulana Nur-ud-Din

Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s speech in Lahore, June 1912, defending Lahore Ahmadis

Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din on presenting claims of Hazrat Mirza sahib with wisdom and gentleness


Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s view on the birth of Jesus


Maulana Muhammad Ali

Hamza Yusuf's retraction of his praise for Maulana Muhammad Ali

Reply to allegation that Maulana Muhammad Ali earlier wrote that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet 

The path to world peace — Islam’s contribution Khutba by Maulana Muhammad Ali

Maulana Muhammad Ali in the eyes of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad: The Maulana selected by Hazrat Mirza to carry forward his mission compiled by the Editor


Mosques and Missions

South Africa

Islam and the Ahmadiyya Movement in South Africa (1995, issue 5)

The Ahmadiyya Case, Twenty-Five Years Later: Revisiting the South Africa court case in light of contemporary Muslim attitudes - By Fazeel S. Khan, Esq.

Berlin, Germany | Website

Berlin Mosque survives World War 2: Remembering 50 years ago (1995, issue 3)

Lahore, Pakistan: The Centre: Views of the Darus Salaam Mosque in Darus Salaam Colony, Lahore (The Hope Bulletin, June 2015, March 2011 Supplement, Part 2)
Lahore, Pakistan: The Ahmadiyya Mosque, Ahmadiyya Buildings, Brandreth Road, Lahore, Pakistan (The Hope Bulletin, Feb 2012)


Qadian Jamaat Beliefs (Refutation)

Contradictory positions of Qadiani Jama‘at on calling Muslims as kafir
‘Change of claim in 1901’ theory collapses under its own contradictions
Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din’s announcement on Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s 1911 article calling other Muslims as kafir
Book Kalimat-ul-Fasal by Mirza Bashir Ahmad declares Muslims as kafir and non-Muslim in Islamic law
Qadian Jamaat Removes Article from website: Does Islam require a female rape victim to produce four witnesses?
"Green Ahmadiyyat"



A Review of the Self-styled Ahmadiyya Khilafat: A baseless institution created in 1914 Exposed as untrue by its own contradictions

Response to khutba by Mirza Masroor Ahmad about khilafat

Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s khutba at Muharram goes against his beliefs


Influence of Lahore Ahmadiyya on Modern Islamic Thought

The Life and Times of a British Journal of Islam By Amanda Lanzillo

Everyday Muslim’s “Islamic Review – Special Edition” By Dr. Jamie Gilham; Shahed Saleem

Ahmadiyya Books Inspired Islamic Development in Indonesia (1995, issue 5)

Saudi Arabian Minister on Islam (Expresses Ahmadiyya View of Islam) (1991, issue 4)

Introduction to Maulana Muhammad Ali and the Legacy of his Quran Translation and Commentary By Fazeel S. Khan, Esq 

Maulana Muhammad Ali's Quran Translation and Commentary - Distinguishing Features By Dr. Noman Malik 

Impact in the Academic Realm By Prof. Fatima Rahman 

Combatting Violent Extremism: The Work of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Society - By Fazeel S. Khan 

The Influence of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on Others - In the words of Maulana Muhammad Ali - From the book "Jamaat-i-Qadian aur har Musalam kay li'y lahma fikriyya"



Maudoodi on Takfir (calling Muslims as kafirs) (1996, issue 6)

Mr. M.A. Jinnah regarded Ahmadis as Muslims (1992, issue 1)



Ahmadiyya connections removed from edition of 'Islam Our Choice' (1997, issue 2)


Personalities, Obituaries and Tributes

Professor Mrs Razia Madad Ali (d. July 2006)
Remembering Muhammad Anwar Shaheed, 30 years on (The Light, April 2016)
Life sketch of Shaikh Rahmatullah
Mr N.A. Faruqui
Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Hami
Mrs Sheila Ali 



Founders of Pakistan pledged loyalty to British rule of India. Muslim League declared loyalty to British government its first objective. (1992, issue 6)

19th century Indian Ulama repudiated jihad against the British (1993, issue 2)


Split in Ahmadiyya Movement

Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 1 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 2 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 3 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 4 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 5 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 6 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 7 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 8 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 9 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 10 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 11 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 12 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din
Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement - 13 by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din

Second Coming of Jesus 

So Said Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:

If Jesus Christ's interpretation regarding the descent of Elijah from the skies is true [fulfilled in the person of John the Baptist], the question arises that the case of the Messiah being parallel to that of Elijah, why not draw the same conclusion, particularly when a Prophet of God has already lifted the veil off the face of this close secret 

.. did not Jesus say that the coming of Elias was fulfilled in John the Baptist who came in his spirit and power? ... But woe to these people that they hear not and have fallen into the same error into which the Scribes and Pharisees fell, and imagine that the Messiah will come down from Heaven! 

The author has been given knowledge (i.e., by Allah) that he is the Mujaddid of the age [inspired saint] and spiritually his qualities resemble those of the Messiah son of Mary. (Majmua Ishtiharat, vol. 1, p. 24).

... no Mahdi shall come except the man who shall come with the temperament and disposition of Jesus, i.e., he shall be the Promised Messiah as well as the Mahdi. He shall come with the temperament of Jesus, following his technique of teaching, i.e., he shall not return evil for evil, nor shall he fight; rather, he shall spread guidance by means of a pure example and heavenly signs. ... His teaching shall be, do not fight for the faith, but spread it by means of the light of truth, and the miracles of good morals and Divine nearness. I say truly that he who now fights for the religion ... he disobeys God and His Prophet, and goes outside the instructions, limits and duties set by them. I wish to inform our benevolent government that the Promised Messiah who has received guidance from God, and who follows the path of Jesus, is myself. (Haqiqat al-Mahdi, pages i – iii).

Claim of Sainthood, Not Prophethood

Teachings of Islam

So Said Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:

The essence of the Quranic teaching is that just as God is One and without partners, so also must our love for Him be unique and exclusive. The Muslim confession of faith, “There is no God but Allah,” which is constantly on the lips of the Muslims is an indication of this fact. The word ilah in it is derived from walah which means a beloved that is worshipped. ... It is only in Islam that the break of dawn each day is greeted by the caller to the prayer calling out, la ila ha ill-allah — I bear witness that there is no God — dear and beloved — except Allah.

Reference: The Four Questions Answered ( 

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
(1835 - 1908)

Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
Mujaddid (Reformer) of the 14th century of the Islamic Era, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi
Claim of Sainthood, not Prophethood

Jihad of Pen, Not Sword

Second Coming of Jesus 

So Said Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:

If Jesus Christ's interpretation regarding the descent of Elijah from the skies is true [fulfilled in the person of John the Baptist], the question arises that the case of the Messiah being parallel to that of Elijah, why not draw the same conclusion, particularly when a Prophet of God has already lifted the veil off the face of this close secret 

.. did not Jesus say that the coming of Elias was fulfilled in John the Baptist who came in his spirit and power? ... But woe to these people that they hear not and have fallen into the same error into which the Scribes and Pharisees fell, and imagine that the Messiah will come down from Heaven! 

The author has been given knowledge (i.e., by Allah) that he is the Mujaddid of the age [inspired saint] and spiritually his qualities resemble those of the Messiah son of Mary. (Majmua Ishtiharat, vol. 1, p. 24).

... no Mahdi shall come except the man who shall come with the temperament and disposition of Jesus, i.e., he shall be the Promised Messiah as well as the Mahdi. He shall come with the temperament of Jesus, following his technique of teaching, i.e., he shall not return evil for evil, nor shall he fight; rather, he shall spread guidance by means of a pure example and heavenly signs. ... His teaching shall be, do not fight for the faith, but spread it by means of the light of truth, and the miracles of good morals and Divine nearness. I say truly that he who now fights for the religion ... he disobeys God and His Prophet, and goes outside the instructions, limits and duties set by them. I wish to inform our benevolent government that the Promised Messiah who has received guidance from God, and who follows the path of Jesus, is myself. (Haqiqat al-Mahdi, pages i – iii).

Heavenly Signs, Disclosures of the Unseen and Supporting Evidence in Truth of the Promised Messiah

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam

Great Conference of Religions

Downfall of Dr. Dowie, false Prophet of America

Great Command of the Arabic Language

Signs Relating to the Mahdi

Similarities with the First Messiah,
Jesus son of Mary

Read at this link

Friday Khutbas (Sermons) (UK)  | YouTube  | Facebook

Text of Khutbas by Dr. Zahid Aziz

Maulana Muhammad Ali (1874 - 1951)

First Spiritual Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement which was established to preserve the real mission of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Achieved a very high distinction in his academic studies and obtained degrees in English (M.A.) and Law (Ll. B.) by the year 1899.

Appointed by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1902 as first editor of The Review of Religions Magazine, one of the first Islamic journals in English. Remained editor for 13 years until the demise of Maulana Nur-ud-Din in 1914.
Appointed in 1906 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Secretary of the Executive Council that would govern the Ahmadiyya Movement.

Directed in 1907 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, one year before his demise, to write a comprehensive book about Islam.  This duty was fulfilled to the highest standard with the publication of The Religion of Islam in 1936.
Produced in 1917 the first English translation and commentary to the Holy Quran by a Muslim to be generally available and accessible to the Western world. It became a model for all later translations due to its highest standard of scholarship. An Indian Sunni Muslim scholar, Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi, who himself later translated the Quran, wrote that: "to deny the excellence of Maulvi Muhammad Ali's translation, the influence it has exercised and its proselytising utility, would be to deny the light of the sun."

About Lahore Ahmadiyya, Direct Continuation of Ahmadiyya Movement

The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam (Ahmadiyya Association for the propagation of Islam) founded in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1914 is an international Muslim movement which exists for the purpose of presenting the true, original message of Islam to the whole world —Islam as taught in the Holy Quran and as illustrated in practice by the Holy Prophet Muhammad. We strongly believe that both non-Muslims and Muslims today desperately need to receive the true message of Islam, which shows that it is a tolerant, rational, progressive, compassionate, peace-loving and highly spiritual religion. This is so vastly different from the common, distorted image of Islam, which has done enormous damage to the cause and the standing of this faith in the world.

The Movement’s approach is to try to convince the human mind, intellect, conscience and heart, of the truth of Islam. It works for this objective by presenting reasoned arguments and showing the inherent beauty of Islamic principles and their appeal to true human nature. We also believe that the truth and beauty of Islam must be shown through one’s practical life and example.

The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement is a direct continuation of the Ahmadiyya Movement as founded by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (d. 1908) and as led afterwards by his successor Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din (d. 1914). It seeks to preserve the beliefs, mission and goals of this Movement as set down by these two guiding lights. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) arose in India at a time when the faith of Islam was under the heaviest attack by its critics. It was being misrepresented as a primitive, crude and violent ideology. Muslim leaders, with their outdated knowledge, narrow vision and their own misconceptions about Islam, were entirely failing to meet these challenges.

It was a time when Muslims all over the world had suffered their most complete downfall in every field of life: political, intellectual, moral, and religious. The religion of Islam was under ferocious attack by Western critics. They condemned it as a religion of violence, brutality, sensuality, mere ritual, lacking high values, and devoid of any notion of love of God or forgiveness. The Prophet Muhammad’s character was misrepresented in the worst possible terms.

Muslim religious leaders were generally uninterested in and ill- equipped to respond. Many Muslims were losing faith in Islam. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad arose claiming to be a mujaddid with the God-given mission of defending Islam and reviving faith in the hearts by means of guidance from the Quran and the Holy Prophet. He taught that Islam possesses a great spiritual power to attract the human mind and heart. It spreads without any worldly force, power, army or state behind it. From a state of destitution, Islam will capture human hearts, even among the nations who are its worst critics. He rebutted all kinds of criticism and objections against Islam.

He sought to present Islam to the Western nations and the modern world. Some points he stressed in his presentation are:

His achievements in the revival of Islam and the reform of Muslims proved his claim of being one of the mujaddids (Reformers) of Islam who arose throughout Muslim history. He also claimed to be the Messiah whom the Muslims were expecting would come at the most critical time in their history. He repeatedly denied the false allegation made against him to be a prophet; on the contrary, his mission was to preach Islam in its pristine purity, as taught by the Holy Prophet, the Last of all the Prophets.

Split in Ahmadiyya Movement

When the successor of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Nuruddin Sahib died in 1914, certain elements in the organization led by the founder's son gained control of the movement, turning it into an exclusive intolerant sect ruled by a spiritual autocracy and grossly distorted and misrepresented Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's views by asserting that he had claimed prophethood and such regarded his deniers as being expelled from Islam. These circumstances compelled Maulana Muhammad Ali to establish the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement to continue Ahmad's real mission. Of Ali, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had written in 1899: "I am sure that my foresight will not go wrong in this, that this young man will make progress in the path of God, and I am sure that by the grace of God he will prove to be so firm in righteousness and love of religion that he will set an example worthy to be followed by his peers. O God, let it be so! Amen, again Amen."

Work of Lahore Ahmadiyya

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad inspired deep faith and enthusiasm among his followers for the propagation of Islam to the modern world. Six years after his death some of them created our present body in Lahore devoted to this work, led by Maulana Muhammad Ali.

Survey of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

Islamic Ideology of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

We proclaim Islam is:

1.     International — God raised Prophets in all nations, not only among the Israelites (as already accepted by Muslims) but also in India, China, Persia etc. A Muslim must believe in and respect all these prophets and their scriptures. Islam restores the original purity of the eternal truths taught by them, and broadens the scope of their national teachings to provide a faith for all humanity. Goodness, good people and truth may be found in all nations. God is equally just to all human beings, irrespective of their race, nationality or religion.

2.     Tolerant — It gives full freedom to everyone to hold, practise and adopt any belief and religion. Differences of belief and interpretation, with whomsoever these may occur, must be tolerated. Criticism against Islam must be answered only by word, and any offence felt must be borne with patience; responding by physical violence is alien to the teachings of Islam. The common image of Islam as an intolerant faith is completely false.

3.     Peaceful — It condemns all use of force except in unavoidable self- defence. All battles of early Islam were purely defensive. Muslims must live peacefully under any rule which grants them freedom of religion. The impression that Islam urges its followers to wage war or rebellion to establish its rule is entirely wrong. The concept of Jihad is greatly misunderstood: it primarily signifies a spiritual, moral and intellectual struggle to reform oneself and others.

4.     Non-sectarian — Any person professing the words “There is no  god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah” must be treated as one’s fellow Muslim. No inquisition is allowed into anyone’s beliefs or motives. Issuing so-called rulings, on some pretext, to expel from Islam those who profess the Kalima is entirely against Islamic teachings.

5.     Rational — It urges use of reason and knowledge in all matters, including religious affairs. Blind following and acceptance are dis- allowed, and independence of thought is granted. Blind, unthinking obedience to religious leaders is condemned.

6.     Living — Acts of worship are not rituals to be performed without thought or feeling. They are meant to put the human soul in living contact with a Living God. We must know the purpose of prayer, fasting, etc. and carry them out in their true spirit. God listens to man’s supplications and answers his prayers. In every age there arise, among Muslims, saints who have closeness and communi- cation with God. Their example shows others that there is a Living God Who speaks to man.

7.     Supportive of women — A great deal of misunderstanding prevails on this point, mainly due to local customs being confused with the teachings of Islam. According to Islam, a woman is a full, responsible human being, just as a man is. She should have the same control over determining the course of her life (including matters of marriage and divorce) as a man has over his life.

8.     Highly moral — It requires Muslims to develop the highest personal moral virtues, and display these qualities even at the cost of personal or national interest. An Islamic society is not created by imposing laws and regulations on people. It is only created by reforming the character of individuals through moral training and example, and this was what the Holy Prophet Muhammad did.

9.     Heart-winning — It seeks to conquer hearts and minds by showing the logic, truth and beauty of its teachings, in a gentle, loving spirit.It condemns force or coercion to spread the faith or make people conform to it.

10.     Complete — The Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad provide complete and perfect guidance for all mankind, for all time to come. The Holy Prophet is the perfect exemplar of the highest moral virtues. After him, no prophet or authority is to arise. As Hazrat Mirza wrote: “I firmly believe that our Holy Prophet Muhammad is the Last of the Prophets, and after him no prophet shall come for this nation, neither old nor new.” (Nishan Asmani, p. 28).

Note: The focal point of the unity of Muslims is belief in the Holy Prophet Muhammad. He is thus their last, final and supreme human guide. No prophet can come after him, but only auliya (saints) and mujaddids (revivers of Islam), who will be raised by God to revive and rekindle the light of the faith of Islam. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did not claim to be a prophet but a mujaddid in Islamic tradition. 

Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Spiritual Heads of Movement


Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Society (LAIS) - USA Symposiums

Berlin Mosque and Mission

Legacy of the Woking Muslim Mission

South Africa Ahmadiyya Court Case

Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Society (LAIS) - USA Symposiums

Explanation of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement by Dr. Ayesha Khan

"Islam stands for I Shall Love All Mankind ... This is not from the tip of the tongue; this is from the depth of my heart that I am saying that we must love all mankind."
Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed, worldwide spiritual Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya community, delivers speech, denouncing terrorism, on the 16th September 2017 in the main square and Church of Berlin.